Monday, November 24, 2008

Metal Monday

Today we are kicking off our own meme...

Metal Monday

Every Monday participants pick a "Metal" song, and expound on it. Maybe post a vid for it, or some lyrics, or an opinion about it.

Then you simply fill in the box below with the "Direct Link" back to the page where your submission is posted, and there you have it!

Linking is for participants ONLY, all others will be deleted. You can feel free to grab the code, and post it yourself as well.

So here is ours:


"Daddy says she's too young, but she's old enough for me..."


Sarge said...

Nice idea Old Man

Daddy Rose said...

Thanx Sarge! It will be a while before it catches on, will need to keep promoting the site to do that. :-)

Lapa37 said...

Great idea I will be here next Monday for sure.Good luck with it I hope you do well.

Daddy Rose said...

I am the persistent type, so as long as I am patient, it will succeed. I will see you over at Music Mondays as well.

Anonymous said...

Cool blog good to see you keeping BUSY We will be keeping along and look forward to more Keep in touch

Daddy Rose said...

I will be keeping an eye on you as well! Gotcha back in my blogroll bro!

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