Monday, December 29, 2008

Metal Monday

Every Monday participants pick a "Metal" song, and expound on it. Maybe post a vid for it, or some lyrics, or an opinion about it.

Then you simply fill in the box below with the "Direct Link" back to the page where your submission is posted, and there you have it!

Linking is for participants ONLY, all others will be deleted. You can feel free to grab the code, and post it yourself as well.

So here is ours:


"Peace Sells"

(Don't get your panties in a wad, just because I sorely dislike the artist, doesn't mean I can't give credit to where credit is due when the music is good.)


Lapa37 said...

I have mine up om Music Mondays

Anonymous said...

I'm also not a big Megadeth fan, but this song stands apart from a lot of their stuff. It's got one of the greatest metal basslines ever which was the theme for MTV Music News for years.

Retro Kimmer said...

I will do a retro metal Monday post. Like Black Sabbath and some Mc5 stuff. How bout that?

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