Saturday, December 6, 2008

Practice day & EMT C#8

Another day of practice is going well. The strumming pattern is the only thing that is taking its toll. I have the newest chords down, put the pattern is quite the challenge, even when using learned chords from back in the beginning lessons.

Edly's Music Theory Lesson 8: Chromatic Intervals.

They are intervals including those not found in the major scale. They gave an example in a chart showing the Chromatic intervals from an octave down, to a unison, the example was built on C.

The Chromatic Alteration Of Intervals...

  1. when the top note of a major interval is lowered, the interval becomes a minor interval.
  2. When the top note of a minor interval is lowered, the interval becomes a diminished interval.
  3. When the top note of a perfect interval is lowered, the interval becomes a diminished interval.
  4. When the top note of a perfect interval is raised, the interval becomes an augmented interval.
  5. When the top note of a major interval is raised, the interval becomes an augmented interval.
The chapter was actually very short (2 pages) it was mostly something to get you started before going in depth in later chapters as was the example of less common enharmonic spellings of intervals.


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