Friday, January 23, 2009

Practice day & EMT C#15

Practice has still been very slow going. I have gotten in quite the rut with the recent chaos in the house, the wife falling and all. But things are starting to get back to normal.

I am hoping that this weekend will kick-off my regular practice routine again, and I can get back to some serious commitment to the guitar. I will keep us all updated of course!

Edly's Chapter 15
: Interval Inversion

It is simply lowering the top note by an octave, or raising the bottom note by an octave.

For example, if you invert the perfect fifth of E up to B, you get the perfect fourth of B up to E.

Intervals that invert to each other share similar general sound characteristics. Knowing it also helps with getting around scales and keys as well.

There is a formula for this as well:

9 - interval number = inverted interval number

An example would be... How do you find what a third intervals to?

9 - 3 = 6, therefore a third inverts to a sixth. A to C is a third; C to A is a sixth.

All intervals of a certain quality always invert to a specific quality, such as major intervals always invert to a minor interval. Only perfect intervals invert to the same quality. All others invert to a different quality, such as diminished to augmented. Interval numbers always invert to to specific interval numbers ie; thirds always invert to sixths, seconds to sevenths, etc...

There were a number of charts to work with showing the interval inversion, as well as a few diagrams.


Cecile said...

thanks for following my blog, am following your blog, too!

Daddy Rose said...

No problem! Thank you very much for following mine! :-)

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